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Safe homes and communities for everyone.




Repairing homes, revitalizing communities, rebuilding lives.




  • We repair homes, we revitalize communities, and we have a deep impact on people's lives.

  • We are committed to helping income-qualified neighbors, those at risk of falling into poverty, and communities in need.

  • We respect the integrity, strengths, and assets of all people.

  • We are a community housing organization with a strong volunteer engagement platform.

  • We work in partnership with neighborhoods and involve residents in all aspects of our work.

  • We value collaboration with other groups who share similar goals.

  • We believe in the quality of the planning, delivery, and evaluation of our services.

  • We believe in inclusivism and seek to promote a diversity that is reflective of our communities.

  • Volunteer service is our core initiative and common denominator; we seek cost-effective leveraging of donated materials, supplies, and labor.

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