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What We Do



Safe & Healthy Housing Modifications and Repairs


The Safe and Healthy Housing Modifications and Repairs are the only modifications and repairs that will be considered at a home. The modifications and repairs listed below will be considered, but the final decision on what work can be completed with time and financial resources on your home will be made at the discretion of Rebuilding Together Fox Valley.


  • Repair/replace locks on exterior doors

  • Replace doorknobs with levers

  • Install new smoke alarms/replace batteries

  • Install CO alarm

  • Install Class ABC fire extinguisher

  • Replace dryer vent with metal ducting

  • Install non-slip tread in baths

  • Install handheld showerhead

  • Install shower chair or tub transfer bench

  • Install bathtub cutout

  • Install grab bars

  • Install toilet seat riser

  • Repair/replace/install interior handrails

  • Replace burnt out light bulbs

  • Install night lights or stick-up lights for areas
    with no light fixtures

  • Repair small faucet leaks or replace faucets

  • Small plumbing repairs

  • Repair/replace running or leaking toilets





  • Safe and Healthy Housing - Our year-round program providing home safety modifications and repairs to create a safe and accessible home. Safe and Healthy Housing is the cornerstone of our work and utilizes a 25-point health and safety checklist developed by HUD and the National Center of Healthy Housing to guide our work. A home assessment is completed, determining the health hazards that exist in the home. A scope of work is created to define what Rebuilding Together Fox Valley can modify and/or repair for the homeowners, at no cost to them. If there are modifications and repairs outside of the ability of Rebuilding Together Fox Valley, we will provide a list of funding sources the homeowner can seek additional support through.                                                                                                         â€‹

  • Individual Projects – Businesses, volunteer groups, or faith-based organizations sponsor a project with Rebuilding Together Fox Valley throughout the year, utilizing the opportunity to complete home modifications and repairs as a way to give back to the community while building team cohesion.                                                                                                           

  • National Rebuilding Day (NRD) – National Rebuilding Day is our largest impact event, bringing together over 200 volunteers each year to make hundreds of home modifications and repairs in over a dozen homes. Businesses and volunteer groups sponsor and volunteer to complete modifications and repairs.                                                                                   

  • Fall Prevention – Falls among older adults are the leading cause of death in Wisconsin, and the number of adults turning 65 will multiply exponentially over the coming decades. The Fall Prevention initiative installs grab bars, adds night lights, installs handrails, and provides tub-transfer benches to help older adults age in place in homes they own.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Community [Re]vitalization - The Community [Re]vitalization initiative gives local non-profit community organizations the opportunity to apply for modification and repair services through Rebuilding Together Fox Valley. The Community [Re]vitalization initiative aims to cultivate the spirit of volunteerism and community support; the initiative is dedicated not only to the improvement of individual lives but also to the improvement of the quality of life for all in the Fox Valley.





  • Rebuilding Together Fox Valley provides critical home modifications and repairs to income-qualified homeowners in four Wisconsin counties.

    • Modification: adapts living spaces to increase usage, safety, security, and independence

    • Repair: fixes a broken home element

  • Our primary focus is older adults, veterans, families with small children, and persons with a disability, who are income-qualified.

  • Our services are intended to make homes safer and healthier and are not intended to be cosmetic in nature.

  • We are unable to complete work on garages/exterior buildings or rental units.

  • For manufactured homes, we only complete fire safety installations.


  • OUR VISION: Safe homes and communities for everyone.

  • OUR MISSION: Repairing homes, revitalizing communities, rebuilding lives.



    • Volunteers complete home modifications and repairs

    • Grants, corporate sponsors, foundations, and individuals help fund our work

    • Donations of materials (gifts-in-kind) and skilled labor increase our impact

    • Gifts to the endowment support initiatives in perpetuity

    • Gift planning: Configuration of charitable gifts to maximize benefits for donors and RTFV



[Re]pairing Homes
[Re]vitalizing Communities
[Re]building Lives
Rebuilding Together Fox Valley
2416 Industrial Drive Unit E
Neenah, WI 54956
(920) 730-2156
Office Hours: 
Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
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