Don's Story
Don, a 90-year-old Korean War Veteran, is suffering from the effects of Agent Orange. He lives alone after losing his wife and one of his daughters to the effects of the gas.
Don learned of Rebuilding Together Fox Valley through his daughter. Upon completion and submitting of an application, RTFV completed and assessment, identified funds, and recruited volunteers to repair Don's home.
Soffits were repaired to prevent rodents from getting into the roof, plumbing was repaired, a toilet was fixed, clutter was removed, several rooms were reorganized to prevent trip hazards and allow Don to use his walker in his home, the home was repainted, electrical issues were addressed, windows were caulked, and brush was removed to prevent pest infestation.
Thanks to the 42 volunteers from Fox Communities Credit Union, Don’s home was revitalized to be safe and healthy.